Monday, June 4, 2007

The Tank

Doing an instance this weekend we came across the tank hunter. His melee skills were unparalled. Then he starts trying to tell me how to play

tankhunter: place xplosion trap and then run up and raptor strike untill dead

us: I'll follow your directions when you start using your bow. Did you forget to buy arrows?

tankhunter: i got really good sords [itemlink] [itemlink]

us: Those are nice! However, we have a real tank and you can do alot of damage with Aspect of the Hawk and Hunter's Mark.

tankhunter: im doing more damage than u!

us: doubt it

tankhunter: (posts data from DamageMeters) see, im better than u!

us: Lets sync and see who is on top

tankhunter: (silence)

us: You've also died four times. You should update your damage meters

DamageMeters works best when all members of the party have the latest version installed. We use the option to combine player and pet data when grouped to avoid any confusion.

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