Wednesday, June 27, 2007


First we must look at the standard hunter's mark -> auto shot macro. It is the most basic hunter macro and you should already be using it. If you do not know how to create or edit macros, you can learn about it here.

/cast Auto Shot
/cast Hunter's Mark

Pretty simple really. It starts your auto shot, then casts hunter's mark. Unfortunately, there are two problems with this macro. First, if your target is not in range, this macro won't do anything. Second, your first shot does not have the added power of hunter's mark. This means that you must be in range and you will probably deal less damage.

What does our macro do? It can be used in pvp and pve to "mark" targets from 0 to 100 yds and if they happen to be in range, we begin to attack with hunter's mark active. In AB this weekend, we used this macro extensively to mark players leaving their spawn point at 98 yds. And when we were faced with opponents in range, we used the same macro to begin fighting.

The only "problem" with our macro is that it will show "out of range" and other big red error messages. To remedy, we simply add a few extra lines to hide those errors.

/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/cast Hunter's Mark
/cast Auto Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()

Original macro: range is 8 to 40/48 yd. Your first shot is weaker than it should be
Our marco: range is 0 to 100 yd. Cast hunter's mark and begin shooting if in range.

We have shared this macro with a few hunters. Some love it, some hate it.


Kirk said...

Instead of doing it that way, I use a macro that is:
/cast Hunter's Mark

then let the pet start tanking and hit it with a sting or other DOT shot. which will automatically start the autoshot.

Big Red Boar said...

@kirk: We don't let Sparkles rush in and attack.

1. We fight mobs where we want to fight by pulling them. This is essential in instances.

2. If we pull too many, we feign death and try again.

3. We have a macro that is useful when soloing, grouping, and pvping.

We like your macro and have used a similar one on occasion while soloing. We just wanted one that would work in many different situations.

Unknown said...

so really, you need 6 "opening" macros

1) PVE solo/grind (pet charge)

2) instance/raid pulling (no pet)

3) instance/raid with trap

4) instance/raid with misdirection

3) PVP against stealthed

6) PVP against non-stealthed

what should the macros for 4-6 look like?

Also: a noob macro question.. how can you tell what keybindings are already in use, so you don't screw up your existing keybidings trying to hotkey a macro?

Big Red Boar said...

#showtooltip Misdirection
/cast [target="NAME"] Misdirection

Replace NAME with the name of your tank:

#showtooltip Misdirection
/cast [target="karl"] Misdirection

5 and 6 should be your hunter's mark + auto\pet\sting\whatever.

You always want to use hunter's mark.

We believe the key binding options will show you what keys a macro is bound to. Not really sure. We keep it simple and use the default 6 key and switch out the macro as needed.