Thursday, June 28, 2007


The reason we love this game so much is the ability to interact with other players. Unfortunately, there are far too many knuckleheads in this game and you will eventually cross paths with them. We keep a detailed list of these jerks, what they did, and when they did it. This is a story of one person on our list.

Sometimes, we grow tired of the end game raiding and level an alt (usually a hunter). We were quietly questing one day and decided to run an instance. We joined LFG and started our search for a group. Soon after, we receive a whisper from another player. He offers to take us with him on a run and says a higher level guildie will accompany us.

Too make a long story short and get right to the meat of this story, these guys basically used us to help summon his friend. We should have known better, but decided the offer was too good to pass up. Normally, we wouldn't be too upset if he just used us to summon. However, this player, we shall call him "jack", decided to kick us out of the group halfway to the instance portal. The elite mobs quickly destroyed us and we had to resurrect. He went out of his way to be a jerk.

We scribbled both of their names on "the list" with an underline and a star. He wasted our time and cost us a little bit of money for the repairs.

Fast forward two weeks. We have been actively tracking their movements, waiting for our time to strike. And then Jack's name pops up in LFG. We login to our main. "Today is your lucky day", we whisper to him. "We have a team ready to go, just need one more".

We frantically type something about needing a tank, healer, and dps for a revenge run in gchat. Luckily we were able to assemble a team in few minutes. We are in a decent guild and they are all aware of our antics. We whisper each member and detail our plan. We want him to suffer, waste his time, and crank up his repair bill. The healer agrees to be stingy with the heals and we let everyone know that we intend to misdirect pull onto him whenever possible.

Then Jack speaks. "i really want [someitem] can i have it if drops". "take whatever you need" we reply.

The group enters the instance and Jack is dead on the second pull. Healer brings him back and we misdirect on him before he is at full health. Dead again. He pipes in and we apologize profusely for our mistake. We tone it down a little bit and continue through the instance.

We made sure he died 6 times before reaching the last few mobs before the final boss. It has been roughly an hour and a half. He reminds us of the item he wants. Then we start the dialog.

us: i remember you now jack. i knew i had seen your name before

jack: really, i dont remember you at all

us: i was on my alt. you used me to help summon your friend and then kicked me from the group halfway to the instance

jack: (silence)

us: you remember that?

jack: no

us: well, i wrote your name down

jack: (silence)

us: i'm just glad i could return the favor. I hope that I have wasted your time and caused you a nice big repair bill.

One last misdirect pull. Jack dies and we kick him out of the group. We decided to take on the last boss without him. Guess what? The item he wanted drops! I send him whisper with a link to it.

us: that item you wanted dropped [itemlink]

jack: youre a !@#&^%*( @^&

us: Enjoy the repair bill jerk!

The next day we noticed he was online again. We send him a whisper.

us: btw, tell your little friend we remember his name too :P


Anonymous said...

You, sirs, are my new heroes. Good show.

Big Red Boar said...


Unknown said...


whiteguycash said...

we need more stuff like this on the internet and WoW. I love reading these stories of pwnage of noobs and jerks using their own tactics. someone should make a site like devoted to it.

Big Red Boar said...


We spend countless hours trying to cross names off "the list".

What we need is more people taking action. We are hunters, are we not? Hunt these jerks down and make them suffer. Then send us your story.

Anonymous said...


hmmm a list...

Paladins are OP said...

Horde and Alliance hunters rejoice together! I, for one, plan to follow suit. Look out, "Jack". We're coming for you next >:)

Anonymous said...

Classic ... i love it. I will have to remember that trick for future runs with bad players.


Nikki said...

You are totally awesome. Freakin' made my day!

Anonymous said...

Damn. You are awesome.