Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Not a single day passes without us reading or hearing inflammatory remarks about hunters. We have heard them all. Our favorite is "huntards is ez-mode". Is there any truth to this?

Absolutely. The hunter class is by far the easiest class to play. We have pets to tank and deal damage, traps to control adds, and a nice reset button with the feign death ability. We stand at range and deal damage while wearing mail armor.

The reason people hate the hunter class is simple. Many hunters have no idea how to operate in a group. We often hear that "huntards are easy to play but hard to master". This makes us laugh because the hunter is not that difficult to master. The problem is you.

There is a remarkable difference in how to play a hunter whilst soling and grouping. It is your inability to adapt that makes us (the hunter class) seem inept.

The mobs in instances are marked "elite" for a reason. This means you should be trying to pull them one at a time. Consider this situation:
I've seen groups wipe because of this room. The huntard will send his pet into one of the packs. If your pet does not aggro the other pack, a runner or other party member will usually turn this 3 pack into a 5 or 6 pack. You are not in ez-mode anymore and the tactics used "on the outside" will not work inside.

The good hunter will use his abilities to pull one of the three packs into the cleared hallway where his party is waiting. If the hunter accidentally pulls both groups, he can feign death and try again.

This is pretty basic stuff but we see it far too often. A hunter who can pull and recover from bad pulls is an asset.


Anonymous said...

Wow thanks for the insight. Do you think you could write a guide on something more challenging--like maybe how to pull Uldaman?

Hone Melgren said...

sarcasm much timion ?

Personally I found it most enlightening - it's a thing that a lot of classes forgot - playing in a group is different to playing solo.

Big Red Boar said...

I you are having trouble pulling ulda, perhaps you should switch to this game

Graham H said...

Dude, post more, you rock!