Wednesday, May 30, 2007

For The Horde

I had a kitty once, The Rake from Mulgore. We completed many quests and he ate a ton of meat. I loved my kitty.

As I ventured into the Barrens, I met an Orc with a boar. The little boar would charge fearlessly into battle as my cat took his sweet time engaging the enemy. We completed our quest and after some deep soul searching and internal evaluation, I abandoned the kitty and started my quest for a boar.

The Alliance has Big Red Kitty and the Horde has Big Red Boar. Welcome!


Sylvina Solaris said...

haha... I wonder where this goes.

Guy said...

I lol'd!

Anonymous said...

hehe, good start. Be insightful, caustic and funny like BRK and you'll have a new reader


Anonymous said...

Judging from what you have written about how you both play and act, you are a bad player and a jerk. Welcome to ignore.

Big Red Boar said...

We love the horde!

Also, we are impressed that you are able to judge our playing skills based on a few posts.

While we might be jerks (sparkles especially), we have many friends who love our antics. And they roll with us because of our skills, not because we are "nice".

If you want to get nice and cuddly, head over to brk.