Thursday, May 31, 2007

How to ninja (The PUG)

In the middle of a fight, the loot window pops up. You take a few seconds and need\greed\pass. After the fight, ask your party members to loot after all immediate mobs are killed. This is their first warning.

If it happens again you are in prime position to ninja an item and teach a lesson to the rest of the group. Sparkles and I use the 3rd strike rule. The third time it pops, we need. Always. Especially BoP items. Here is how it works:

loothappy: d00d you just ninjaed that item!
(loothappy knows you needed it cause he was the one to loot the corpse)

me: i warned you twice, dont loot while mobs are active. it was an accident.

loothappy: can i have it?

me: you may not. it will be rolled on at the end of the instance. your roll will not count.

loothappy: im leaving the group

me: farewell

loothappy has been uninvited

me: can we all agree to not loot until mobs are down please?

group(in unison): y

loothappy is easy to identify and your PUG will be glad he is gone. He is the jumpy hunter who can't sit still for 4 seconds while you eat\drink.

The item is yours, your party will forget about it. And if the item is BoP, there is nothing they can do about it.

I've done many many many Pugs. There are even a few people who ask me to join their Pugs. They know what I do and sometimes whisper "Busted!" or "I need, dont ninja :)"

I don't have a rep for being a ninja, i have a rep for being mean to nubs (and taking their items).

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

For The Horde

I had a kitty once, The Rake from Mulgore. We completed many quests and he ate a ton of meat. I loved my kitty.

As I ventured into the Barrens, I met an Orc with a boar. The little boar would charge fearlessly into battle as my cat took his sweet time engaging the enemy. We completed our quest and after some deep soul searching and internal evaluation, I abandoned the kitty and started my quest for a boar.

The Alliance has Big Red Kitty and the Horde has Big Red Boar. Welcome!